
Nov 21
How can I be underpaying my staff?

How can I be underpaying my staff?

Question I’ve been asked time and time again.. ‘How can I be underpaying my staff? I pay my staff an agreed salary or hourly rate on a contract they signed!’ Award classifications in various industries can be complicated and confusing at the best of times, especially in Hospitality. So many... read more →
Nov 21
Have you registered for your Director ID?

Have you registered for your Director ID?

If you haven’t heard of a Director ID, you’re probably wondering what is it and why do you need it? New legislation requires all directors of any company to be registered with a unique 15 digit Director ID by 30th November 2022! Who needs to register and why? Shareholders, employees,... read more →
Nov 21
Cloud Accounting Software

What is cloud accounting software?

Cloud based applications are installed and hosted in the cloud as opposed to traditional style applications that are installed on your computer hard drive. The benefits of using cloud based accounting software include: Accessibility: Your accounting data can be accessed over a variety of hardware systems including your phone, tablet... read more →